
vol 1
vol 2
vol 3
vol 4


Teutoburg 9
Byzantion 1899


Word Count Tracker!

Writing in Progress Word Count
IC Entry: The Neo-Metaversal Narcissus [ Updated: 01/19/25]
Theletos Cascade Short: Neo Alexandreía 1845 [Updated: 02/08/25] 893
Theletos Cascade: Byzantion 1899 [Updated: 08/15/24] 3576

03/15/25 Welp I lost the job because I got violently sick (because of the job) and nearly had to be hospitalized, but alas, I live, still dealing with some fatigue and muscle pain + brain fog, but I'll get back to working on stuff soon I think.

02/22/25 Work on my projects is likely to slow immensely for the foreseeable future. After a long and grueling (nearly 2 year) search for employment, I had to take what scraps I could get recently since bill debts were piling up to an unmanageable point. Which means it's your average soul-crushing and body-destroying labour job. Hands and back too sore for the delicate task of drawing, mind too cluttered and stressed to write. We'll see what happens. But if this is what life is, being a toiling debt slave until I'm 65... I just don't know anymore. I'm so tired.

02/19/25 I will be releasing pages for VAPOVRDAIMON on here as I complete them! A full finished chapter will be uploaded as a .pdf when it's complete! NEW

02/13/25 I added my Reading List! NEW

01/27/25 I've got a Letterboxd!

01/14/25 Wrote a little flash fiction over on Schizopunk Media! Is That Dr. Pebba?

01/12/25 The next Theletos Cascade short is Neo Alexandreía 1845! I've already got the story and characteres outlined, but would like to sketch the characters first before I begin writinng, it's honestly helped me a lot with mental visualization for the stories. However, I burnt my hand so won't be able to use my drawing glove/ tablet (at least comfortably) for a few days. So in the meantime, I'm going to write up another Invisible College entry. Soon I will make a page for art as well for those who haven't stumbled upon my other socials!

12/31/24 Happy New Year! I kinda go back and forth on ideas, so I'm going to be boucning between Theletos Cascade and VAPOVRDAIMON here and there throughout the coming year(s)! Actually already have another Short coming to mind, I will update you all soon!

11/25/24 Theletos Cascade (Specifically the novels) is kind of taking a backseat in my projects, as it deserves proper attention and time (plus there's not much to really update people on aside from "it's still happening!" Currently, I'm collecting my other ideas and character designs and putting them together into a webcomic I've started working on! VAPOVRDAIMON is currently in the works!

09/11/24 My Short Story Teutoburg 9 is completed and up on Itch now! Please check it out and let me know what you all think!

09/11/24 Teutoburg 9 - Chapter 5 is up on Wattpad!

09/11/24 Teutoburg 9 - Chapter 4 is up on Wattpad!

09/06/24 Just going to put the other stuff away until things are actually complete, keep things clean and simple for now!

08/30/24 Teutoburg 9 - Chapter 3 is up on Wattpad!

08/23/24 Teutoburg 9 - Chapter 2 is up on Wattpad!

08/17/24 Teutoburg 9 - Chapter 1 is up on Wattpad!

08/16/24 I'm now on Wattpad I'll be posting my writing there as well as Itch!

08/16/24 30K views on Neocities already? Thank you all!

08/12/24 Invisible College Entry: The Watcher in The Web

05/21/24 I have rechristened the whole Wolrd/Series of Byanztion 1899! It shall be henceforth known as: Theletos Cascade I am currently working on a side Short Story to hopefully share with you all soon!

05/08/24 In the meantime, I've released the Prologue to my Book Byzantion 1899 on Itch!

04/30/24 Still alive, the Zine has kind of taken a back seat while I try to narrow down a more specific idea/aesthetic, in the meantime been working on writing a novel, may reogranize the site again to have a space for it and can give updates here and there!

02/17/24 Added my button and adding some others I like (or are a part of) on the About Tab as I find them! The Various logos on the bottom of the site also link to my various socials!

02/15/24 Working on revamping the Zine! Took a long hiatus while I tried to figure out what I want to do. Going to be doing the RE:DUX Series from here on out!

04/25/23 Zine Release! .NET of Calypso Volume 4

11/11/22 Featured in Black Fog Zine #3!

11/10/22 Zine Release! .NET of Calypso Volume 3

10/20/22 Official .NET of Calypso Neocities Site Made!

10/08/22 Zine Release! .NET of Calypso Volume 2

09/17/22 Zine Release! .NET of Calypso Volume 1


Neo Alexandría 1845
.Net of Calypso Vol. a