09/11/24 My Short Story Teutoburg 9 is completed and up on Itch now! Please check it out and let me know what you all think!

09/06/24 Just going to put the other stuff away until things are actually complete, keep things clean and simple for now!

08/30/24 Teutoburg 9 - Chapter 3 is up on Wattpad!

08/23/24 Teutoburg 9 - Chapter 2 is up on Wattpad!

08/17/24 Teutoburg 9 - Chapter 1 is up on Wattpad!

08/16/24 I'm now on Wattpad I'll be posting my writing there as well as Itch!

08/16/24 30K views on Neocities already? Thank you all!

08/12/24 Invisible College Entry: The Watcher in The Web

05/21/24 I have rechristened the whole Wolrd/Series of Byanztion 1899! It shall be henceforth known as: Theletos Cascade I am currently working on a side Short Story to hopefully share with you all soon!

05/08/24 In the meantime, I've released the Prologue to my Book Byzantion 1899 on Itch!

04/30/24 Still alive, the Zine has kind of taken a back seat while I try to narrow down a more specific idea/aesthetic, in the meantime been working on writing a novel, may reogranize the site again to have a space for it and can give updates here and there!

02/17/24 Added my button and adding some others I like (or are a part of) on the About Tab as I find them! The Various logos on the bottom of the site also link to my various socials!

02/15/24 Working on revamping the Zine! Took a long hiatus while I tried to figure out what I want to do. Going to be doing the RE:DUX Series from here on out!

04/25/23 Zine Release! .NET of Calypso Volume 4

11/11/22 Featured in Black Fog Zine #3!

11/10/22 Zine Release! .NET of Calypso Volume 3

10/20/22 Official .NET of Calypso Neocities Site Made!

10/08/22 Zine Release! .NET of Calypso Volume 2

09/17/22 Zine Release! .NET of Calypso Volume 1
